Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Have some class

The players in my home game have been pressing up against the edges of the base classes in Lamentations of the Flame Princess. So I've sketched together some variant classes that tweak things a little to bring the mechanics a bit closer to the flavour or enable them to do something that isn't really covered by the core classes.

These are rough and ready and untested yet - suggestions welcome.


Saves, hit dice, attack bonus and level advancement and skills as per Cleric or Magic-User; player's choice. Additionally, a Cleric or a Magic-User can take Witch levels, with progression as per their base class. Witches are either Lawful (read omens) or Chaotic (consult with spirits).

The witch has the once per day per ability to cast Curse. This is the opposite of Bless; the target suffers d6+level negative points across their dice rolls for one day. The caster can decide when these points afflict them.

The witch can brew Potions. The witch cannot cast the spells, but is able to create a potion capturing its effects. This takes d6x spell level days and requires 50sp per day. The Witch can brew a potion of any spell from the Cleric or Magic-User list that requires a target, that they would be able to cast if they were a Cleric or Magic-User of equivalent level. This takes d6x spell level days, and costs 50sp per day. For every level the witch gets a 50sp reduction in the cost of the brewing the potion – it still takes the full amount of time, but a skilled Witch can brew potions from nothing more than Wing of Bat and Eye of Newt. A Witch doesn't need a laboratory to create potions – just a cauldron.

For characters that are both a Witch and either a Cleric or a Magic-User:

Use their level solely as a Witch to calculate their Curse ability.
Use their combined level as a Witch and a Cleric to calculate the maximum level of potion they can brew from a Cleric spell, and the cost reduction when brewing Cleric spells.
User their combined level as a Witch and a Magic-User to calculate the maximum level of potion they can brew from a Magic-User spell, and the cost reduction when brewing Cleric spells.

Animal Handler

Saves, hit dice, attack bonus and level advancement as per Specialist.


The Animal Handler can form a close bond with a number of animals equal to their Charisma modifier plus one (minimum one). The maximum HD these animals can have is equal to the Animal Handler's level. Normal horses and dogs will have one hit dice, a bear will have two to four, an elephant will have four to six. A bonded animal will perform any trained behaviours well (and without any dick moves from the GM). Bonding to an animal takes one month of regular training and may be dangerous depending on the animal in question.

A trained animal can be sold on and will be more valuable than an untrained animal, though it will not perform its behaviours without question for anyone other than an Animal Handler it has bonded with.

The Animal Handler gains skill points as per a Specialist, but they have access to different skills.

Animal Ken
This skill enables the Animal Handler to get along with animals they normally couldn't. A successful roll indicates the Animal Handler has the animal's trust, at least temporarily. This could let an Animal Handler slip by a guard dog, make a wild bear back off rather than attacking, or tempt in a valuable bird of paradise to eat seed from their hand. This doesn't work once an animal has started attacking, or if someone else is directly influencing its behaviour.

Trained behaviour
Each one of the animal handler's bonded animals has one trained behaviour as standard depending on the type of animal it is. In addition, the Animal Handler can use a skill point to learn how to teach one additional behaviour to one class of animal (dogs, birds, rodents, horses, livestock, elephants, bears, monsters etc.) It takes one month to train a new behaviour.

Horses and ponies: Accept rider

Retriever dogs: Retrieve

Hawks, ferrets: Hunt

Large nasty dogs, bears, monsters: Attack

Pigeons, carrier-hawks: Carry message

Blood-hounds: Track

Other behaviours include:
Stop that
Herd livestock
Ride into combat
Go into that hole and bring out something shiny
Go into that hole and bring out something made of paper
Perform (specific natural behaviour)
Roll over.
Play dead.

Monsters and wild animals that cannot be truly domesticated may need to be taught the behaviour: Keep calm just a bit longer, please don't attack, yes he's shouting but he's very important and has a lot of soldiers behind him.

Cleric of the Hanged God – variant Cleric

This is a straight set of spell swaps for the Cleric based on the Hanged God of Murderers and Chieftains, a background deity who has accidentally become a live concern in my campaign.

The Cleric loses Cure Light Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds and Cure Critical Wounds
In their place he gains:

Consume the liver and spleen
Cleric level 1
Duration: 1 turn / level
Range: Touch
The Cleric removes the liver and spleen from an enemy the Cleric or their subordinates killed through open violence, and either eats the organs raw or feeds them to someone. The person who eats the liver and spleen heals 1 hp per HD of the enemy, and gains a +1 attack bonus per HD of the enemy.

The arm bleeds to preserve the head
Cleric level 4
Duration: 24 hours.
Range: Touch
The Cleric designates chattle – these must be sentient creatures the Cleric owns or has vassalage over (a serf or subject will do, but a member of your congregation or an employee will not.) The Cleric may designate 1HD of chattle per level. When the cleric would take damage, it is instead inflicted on the chattle provided they are on the same plane of existence.

Like unto the Hanged God mighty shall you be
Cleric level 5
Duration: 1 turn / level
Range: Touch

The target must strip naked, daub themselves in woad, hold a metal sword, tie a rope around their left ankle and don a crown made of horns before this spell can successfully be cast on them. When the spell is cast the rope will lift them into the air and they will hang upside down. They are able to move around like this, as per their unencumbered walking speed, hovering freely in three dimensions. Their AC becomes 16+Dexterity modifier and they gain the benefits of the Heroism spell for the full duration of this spell. As long as they do not let go of it, their sword can also injure monsters immune to non-magical weaponry.

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